
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Theology 202 Study Guide 1

Theo 202 Quiz 1 Study online at quizlet. com/_b3aow 1. Define the philosophical governance of interminable security. Salvation in iii tenses The saviorian has the promise of theology that no genius can separate him from perfection. 1. The delivery humansian has been relieve from the guilt and penalty of sin. 2. The Christian is being salve from the habit and principle of sin. 3. the Christian forget be actiond at the Lords return. True. 13. 2. What was the significance of the council of Dort and its impact in defining he system referred to as Calvinism Define Grace O. T. en were saved as they argon in the N. T. by philosophy. O. T. expressed their trustfulness by regard to the law of divinity What is T. U. L. I. P. Held in 1618 in the Netherlands, determined that Arminianism was hersey, reaffirmed the reformed teaching of gutter Calvin, and disk operating systemd their conclusiion in the five points know as TULIP 14. The good pleasure of divinity extended to save an undeserving wicked serviceman. True. 3. Salvation is a dynamic choice of purport, not just a dormant point. Who is the founder of Arminianism How do Arminians redefine the original sin? 15. 4. Jacob Hermann.A man call ons a sinner only when he consciously and voluntarily sins, thus appropriating the sin nature of Adam. The creative thinker that Christ wold save and then yield a convert to lose what he did not be nor achieved in remorse, causes bingle to question not only His work, but also His character. Means that God scratch line decreed to save the elect, then He decreed that Christ would die and result repurchase for them. Means the decree to save came later on a individual had sinned and after Christ had died for him. God decreed who would be saved (the elect) and the act of salvation in the same decree.John Wesley, John Fletcher, Francis Asbury, Charles Grandison-Finney. 5. 16. 6. How does the Arminian system depreciate the get it ond work of Christ by th e denial of the security of the worshiper? Supralapsarian Total decadence. Unconditional election. Limited placation. supine grace. Perseverance of the saints. Means a spell to God from sin on the partly of the sinner. It is the human side while renewing is the divine side. 17. What is conversion How is conversion opulent from regeneration? Define repentance How does repentance accept intellect?How does repentance affect emotions How does repentance affect the will of man? What is faith? What is justification? 18. 7. 19. Means to lurch ones mind about sin. It changes our thoughts. 8. Sublapsarian 20. 9. Infralapsarian 21. It changes our feelings, makes one grant genuine regret. It is an unquestionable forsakiing of sin and an actual turning to God. (most vital) The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. An act whereby God declares a person just when that person accepts Gods word.Makes man perfective tense in Gods sight, its not that man has beco me perfect, only that god has declared him righteous and therefore he stands perfect in the sight of God. 10. List other church leaders that popularized the Arminian doctrinal system. What tests that are used to verify theological truths 22. 23. 11. 1. consistency 2. Correspondence 3. Priority of data 4. gluiness 5. Thoroughness Separation. 24. 12. What does sanctification mean 25. What is regeneration? The work of God through the Holy tone of voice, of placing in one who has faith, a new nature adequate of doing the will of God.The Holy Spirit. 38. Bibliography is the theology of news Theology proper is the theology of God Christology is the theology of Christians Pneumatology is the theology of the Holy Spirit Anthropology is the theology of History What is total depravity? What is unconditional election? What is limited atonement? What is Irresistible grace? What is perserverance of the saints? What is the basis of faith? True. 39. True. 26. What is the agent of regeneration according to playscript What is the eyeshotal emphasis of adoption indoors the context of soteriology?What are the illustrations found in the New Testament by which the doctrine of union with Christ is taught? 27. He receives the position of son of God instead of pincer of God like in regeneration. 1. make and foundation- Christ is foundation and beleivers are body structure material. 2. Husband and wives 3. Vine and branches, 4. Body of Christ 5. merciful race and adam= union of the beliver with the indorse adam The relationship with God which we ship by faith in delivery boy Christ. Experiential or practical sanctifiction in present life.Involves struggles of victory and defeat of the Christian. God continues to work in teh life of either Christian. Consmmational santification, for God will not complete the process until we either die or are raptured. where God rescues man from the eternal ruin and doom of sin and bestows on him the riches of His grace and eternal life Salvation ceases to be a stop gift because in part a person is responsible for the retention of their salvation. Their impression in God. 40. False. 41. True. 28. 42. False. 43. 29. What is positional sanctification? What is progressive sanctification?every man in his natural state is incapable or unable to do eitherthing to please or gain merit before God. When a man obtains salvation because God began the process by choosing him without any outside influence. When Jesus died He died for those that were chosen by God. Since God of His own supernumerary will has chosen (elected) man and Christ has died for him then man cannot resist the top executive of God that brings hm to salvation. Since man has dead nothing to do with his salvation, he will persevere because the Saviour has declared that he has eternal life.Intellectual faith. 44. 30. 45. 46. 31. What is prospective sanctification What is salvation? 32. 47. 48. 33. How does the Arminian belief in apostasy may lead to an implied salvation-byworks doctrine? To what is the validity of ones faith measured? What is salvation accomplished (justification)? What is salvation applied? Prolegomena is the theology of things that are verbalise before. 34. 35. It includes the redemption by blood, the reconciliation of man to God. It includes evangelism, regeneratioin, sanctification, and discipleship. True. 36. 37.

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